Wednesday, September 21, 2005


我好朋友的寶寶在昨天(20/9)出世了,辛苦她了...因爲她是剖腹生産的,所以必須打麻醉針,而她的骨頭又比較硬,所以人家費時45分鐘的手術,她卻 費時兩個小時,她痛到...真是辛苦她.不過她得了一個可愛的男寶寶,她說非像她,想必一定是一個可愛的寶寶,因爲他媽媽小時候是一名非常可愛和討人喜愛 的寶寶哦.好幸福哦,有一個可愛的寶寶,疼她的老公和疼她得家人,恭喜她了...有機會的話,會把他們一家人的照片放上網給你們看..好期待看到她的寶寶 哦...


18/9是中秋節,今年的中秋節很冷清,整條街靜悄悄的,只有我們和另一家有拜月亮和點燈籠,而且只有三三兩兩的青少年們點燈籠遊街,此時我就會想起當年還是青少年時,我和朋友們也曾游過街和冒 險,當年我們這條街可熱鬧了,有好多小朋友...每年在我家都會有月光會.今年朋友們大多都不在了,出國的出國,拍拖的拍拖.附近新的花園越建越多,好多 人都搬去那兒了,所以我們的花園就顯得比以前靜了.希望往後的中秋節能恢復往年的熱鬧.


19/9這天我到交通警局去還罰單,結果竟然在警局外被羅里撞,而且那死人羅里竟然說他沒錯,説是我錯了,氣死人了,而且路過的警察竟然沒有一輛肯停下 來,再一次證明馬來西亞警察真...的沒有用...這是一個說起來還滿長的故事懶得再説了,想起來就氣,還我當天沒還盜伐單個天災浪費一天去排隊,而且還 把還了罰單的收據弄不見了,還不止,警察還瘦我雙倍,因爲他們說電腦沒過到帳,當我發現時,跟他們拿囘我多還的錢,他們竟然說不可以,真是倒楣的一個星 期.果然今年屬雞的犯太歲...

Friday, September 16, 2005

i m so stupid...

爲什麽? 爲什麽我這麽笨 ? 爲什麽我這麽輕易相信人? 人家說他迷路了, 我好心借他電話打電話找救兵可是好心沒好報, 借他電話竟然讓他給搶走了... 雖然我已經有預感他是騗子, 可是爲什麽我還會借他? 看他可憐?報紙一而再,再而三的刊登有人的手機被搶走,因爲借人用,可是我偏偏沒有吸取教訓還是在這樣的情形之下被搶走.這世界上是否沒有好人了?是否不 能做好人?好心被雷劈,得到的教訓,不要輕易相信任何人.






Tuesday, September 13, 2005


11st sept is a memorial day for 911 in USA, and also is my birthday...10th sept, i treated my frens karaoke that i'm owing her...haha...they also bought a cake for me....can u imagine in that 2 hrs our 3 gals finished one 1/2 kilo cake and 1 set lunch, after finish the meal, v all cant stand, and feel want vomit out...
at night, i go out again vth my another gang of fren, actually v only wan to have a farewell party to a fren who wanna leave to UK on 14/9, but after that they celebrate again my birthday to me, another 1/2 cake, i can say that i already eat my future birthday cake...haha...cos i nvr eat so many cakes b4...anywhere thanks to all of my fren who had celebrated my birthday to me and who sms me..10s, great to have all these frens

Saturday, September 10, 2005

sweet dream... : )

yesterday i had a sweet dream...hohoho...guess who i dream? i dreamt of lee hom wang....really so sweet, cos in that dream, he is my boyfren....hahaha....if in the real world ofcos it is impossible, u all must think that 我在发花痴, but nvm everybody got a dream what, ofcos lee hom is everybody's prince, so am just a sweet dream, a very very sweet dream...hope today can continue the dream and that stupid alarm clock don ring when i'm doing that sweet dream... : )

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Friday, September 02, 2005


oh my god, kevin win....yesterday "superstar" result released, male (kevin) won....oh no, how come? female (kelly) presented best than kevin, all judges say like that, how come kelly lost? i think most of the sympathy vote, don forget that kevin is blind, ofcos he had putting great effort and showing his improvement, but kelly improve more that kevin, don just becos he is blind and put effort and forgot other people....this show also let me lost 1 "karaoke" to my fren, haiyo....

Thursday, September 01, 2005


no deny that, i love comic and novel very much...i think that i'm perfect person, that's mean i like everything is perfect, maybe is affected by my horoscope, cos i'm comic and novel, can find everything is perfect, ofcos my frens always laugh at me...the story in novel and comic is fake 1, dont day dream much...hahaha...ofcos i knew all are fake lah, i juz like daydream deny that, when read more comics and novels will always hope that can meet perfect guy in one day, ofcos it is impossible, so juz i have face the reality, there is no perfect in the world, juz do the best u can...haha...sometimes jus sometimes pls let me far away from reality just make a daydream to cheer up my mind....hohohohoho....daydream quite useful sometimes....especially when u feel boring...ofcos don put urself too depth into it lah...
y not? just release ur mind sometime and make daydream zzzZZZZ.....
but recent i watched newspaper, daydream will affected ur mind and becomes “老人痴呆症” when u old, so don too much daydream, juz “适可而止”。。。daydream together lah....hohohoho....

again, another pic taken from airplane, this time is on the way to taiwan, more clear, cos v are "on" the clouds... Posted by Picasa

this is "sky" outside the airplane, from malaysia on the way to thailand...the airplane is in the cloud, so it's unclear... Posted by Picasa